Saturday, July 30, 2011


This SALAWIKAIN doest it best, we just curl up under that skimpy blanket like its normal things in the world to do.

EH DI BUMALUKTOT if you think about it, there's nothing wrong diba? After all, it has always been a sure, safe way to get through a rough financial.........

PLAN AHEAD, saving for the future is something we all know we should do, but very few of us know how to go about it. The earlier you start savings, the better. They key is planning. Time is your greatest ally, as early as possible use instrument that will make your money grow........

HOW TO SAVE, here are some sure tips to help you save for the future or a rainy day ika nga...

1. Make a budget - monitor your regular budget in a month, then make a budget. For yearly budget like tuition fee etc... Divide expenses by 12 months to get monthly cost, add in your monthly budget....
2. Before spending, ask if you absolutely need it " if the item not really necessity, you can hold off buying.
3. Save for spending “as soon as you received your salary save 10% and deposit it to your savings bank".
4. Establish a separate savings bank account for emergency fund.
5. Invest your savings.

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